Welcome to the Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Data Element Tool (DET) Dashboarding Page
To outline the results of the Case Definition and Data Element surveys, the results are summarized below on interactive dashboards. Supporting information (Video Instructions on Dashboard Use, Example Questions, PDF of the survey, ) is provided to assist with the usability of the dashboards. We would like to recognize our partners at Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and Briljent for their contribution to this effort.
Section One – NAS Case Definitions
This section contains a list of current or proposed case definitions that have been gathered from both a literature review and environmental scan of several states conducting NAS surveillance and data collection. The output of this section is important to understand the use of Case Definitions across the states and territories. The data is used to answer two main questions: ‘Do you use/would you consider using this Case Definition?’ and ‘What is the Feasibility of implementing this Case Definition?’
Example Question to Legend
Section Two – Data Elements
This section contains specific Data Elements that have been identified from states’ existing NAS data collection and surveillance activities. They are organized by type of data such as ‘Infant Demographics’, ‘Maternal Screening’. The output of this section is important to examine which Data Elements are deemed essential across the states and territories. The data is used to answer two main questions: ‘Is this Data Element essential to a NAS registry?’ and ‘What is the Feasibility of tracking this Data Element?’
Example Question to Legend
Attached is a PDF of the survey questions used to acquire the data displayed above: